All started here....

All started here....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 73-76: Jaipur adventure (India)

After the millionaire's wedding last nite, i had the driver pick me up at 4am to go to the New Delhi train station. so not much sleep there. These pics showed what i had to deal with at 5am at the New Delhi station.....wowwwwwwwwwwww.....thousands were sleeping on the ground and the board showing the train platform wasnt working. Whats worse was that there were many "fake" station officers to tell foreigners the train was canceled or the e-ticket required confirmation. Fortunately i read the story of the guidebook and didnt buy in to any of those. At first i was still communicating with those fake officers in English and later on, i was like why should i talk to them in English so they could understand what i was talking about. I realized that communication wasnt the objective. so i switched to speaking cantonese to them and they didnt know how to respond and they walked away..i saw a poor japanese girl who fell into the trap and she followed those fake offcers around. according to the guidebook, those fell for the scamp would eventually miss their trains and ended up having to buy a 10x more expensive train ticket to get to the destination...i.found my platform and taghed along a dutch lady who was in the same we stayed together to defend ourselves from the indians.

When i got to Jaipur and arrived in my hotel, i was ok. The hotel was actually quite nice from the outside. i hired a tuk-tuk driver to drive me around but then i realized how dusty the city is. I then felt sick and
ended up going back to my hotel room and stayed in bed for more than 20 hrs. I kept coughing and my throat was killing me. it was all from the polluted and dusty air. This was what i looked like when i went to the hospital the next day...

After i went to hospital, i slept for another 20 hrs. I felt a bit better on my last day in Jaipur. Therefore, i had the tuk tuk driver to drive me around visiting the pink palace, wind palace, city palace, amber fort.