All started here....

All started here....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 72 of 100: Millionaire's Wedding in New Delhi

Today, I have the fortune to join my ex-boss to attend the wedding of the son of a millionare in India. We arrived at around 7pm  which is way too early for the inidan wedding. The groom was waiting in his white-horse-carriage outside of the venue. It took his carraige an hour to move like 200 m into the entrance of the wedding venue. With this pace, the whole wedding ceremony can easily be a 8-10 hrs celebration. The venue actually looked very nice and everything was decorated with fresh flowers and candles.  From what i could see, it probably had 1000 workers working in the venue!! I got the invitation during my 100-day travel, so it would be very inconvenient for me to bring along a suit & tie so i decided to go shopping for a traditional indian costume.